As some of you may know, my squad and I were set to launch to Romania this month. Many racers and/ or their parents weren’t comfortable with Romania though, so AIM gave us a choice to make last Thursday. We were given the choice between Romania and Ecuador. Those who didn’t feel safe in Romania were allowed to go to Ecuador and even those who just felt called to Ecuador were able to go. We had to make our decision in 24 hours, pray about it and let our families know. I made the decision to go to Romania and help where I’m needed there in any ministry they needed us. We got an email Friday night saying something had happened and we’ll find out after the weekend what AIM’s decision is.
Unfortunately we will no longer be going to serve in Romania. Our whole squad will now be going to Ecuador, together. Though it is amazing to keep the squad together, I’m absolutely devastated I won’t be going to serve in Romania. A lot of emotions have gone through my mind, hurt, anger, sadness. I’ve mentally and emotionally prepared myself for Romania, whatever it had in store for me. This is a big change for a lot of people on my squad, including myself.
I don’t know much on Ecuador, nor do I have much to say about it. I’m completely heartbroken over the decision, but I know AIM has our best interests in mind. I hope to soon find the happiness in all of this, but for now this is a reality. I’m excited to see how the Lord will move through me in this change and how he will provide for all of us.
I ask that you please partner with my squad and I in prayer through this difficult time and through our country change. If you have any questions at all please feel free to email me or message me on Instagram.
Tanner, I am so proud of you, being on this mission trip and truly desiring to go to Romania to help all those in need…and yes that need seems great there right now. But keep an open mind and heart because people need help all over the world. Also God will place the right people for the right tasks. Remember how Paul mentioned several times in the Bible how his heart and desire was to go and see someone, BUT there were obstacles to his plans and the Lord chose something else for him to do first? I am sure he felt as you do now…very disappointed…but he also knew that God had something for him to do WHEREVER he was being sent, and that God knowing what his (Paul’s) desires were, decided that His (God’s) plans needed to take priority. The same applies here for you…your heart and desire was to go to Romania, but God knowing the big picture ( & working through AIM) has decided you should go to Ecuador. So trust God & go and serve the Lord with all your heart! When I look back on some of what I thought (at the time) were some “big disappointments”, I trusted the Lord (Rom 8:28, which I leaned on a lot) and discovered that something better was given me…I hope and pray the same for you, and can’t wait to see how God uses you in Ecuador to accomplish His will. Some other verses to keep tucked away in your heart (along with Rom 8:28)…you are His workmanship & He has already made good works for you to walk in (Ep 2:10). And His plans are not to harm you, but prosper you (Jer 29:11)…He knows that “BIG Picture” …trust it and serve with joy, as unto the Lord! Love you much Tanner! ((xoxo))
I’ve been praying for the squad a lot in the past few weeks since everything has been going on. I will continue to pray. We are lucky to have a God whose name is Redeemer! Ecuador is amazing, but I think there is a special space to continue learning what blind faith means. Like James says, let our perseverance have the full effect so that we may be perfect and lacking in nothing! Rejoice! For our God will never leave us! And He is close to the brokenhearted. Miss you, bestie!