I think about my Instagram, how my life looks in those tiny little boxes. It’s a beautiful life, really. My social media is a great representation of that. I go to the beach all the time, I’m eating at nice places, going to cute coffee shops, hitting up all the stores. I mean who could ask for better? I’m traveling the world, fulfilling all my childhood dreams of working with children at a school in Africa. I’m sometimes jealous of myself, not many people have the luxury of saying this is their life.
But then as I sit in the van on my way to ministry, I’m reminded of what my reality is. Sure I still go to coffee shops and the beach all the time, but I also go to a preschool 5 days of the week and feed kids their only meals of the day. I drive from my base on the GLA campus to Tokyo Sexwhale where everything is trashed and poverty ridden. There’s houses that sleep 10-15 people but look like they’re only big enough to hold maybe 4 people. There’s a sign that says “mugging beyond this point,” there’s a gang that runs the roads, there’s homeless people begging for the things in your possession. Some of these kids have absolutely nothing, but you’d never be able to tell.
Looks are deceiving, don’t think that just because my feed is all glorious doesn’t mean that’s what the reality looks like. It’s heartbreaking but the ministry is so rewarding. I wouldn’t change anything because the smiles on these kids faces will truly change your life. I would go through the heartbreak a million times over just to have the reward of what the Lord is doing in these kids lives and mine.
Having seen the ins and outs of what your doing as well as your squad mates. The unseen isn’t advertised but is there. The very nature of your heart says you love deeply and are a protector of those God has given you to steward. You do it well. I think of Matthew 6:5-6. Ministry publicized becomes less of what God is doing and more on our feelings.
Tanner Lee, I’m so proud of you and your commitment to the Lord, and for the work that you are doing. You know that I have been praying for you and for your safety, as you are far from home. But I realized, after reading your update, that my prayers have had mostly selfish motives and I not been as faithful to pray as much for your work and especially the children whose lives you are having an impact on for the Lord. I will do my best to keep everything in prayer, and you keep doing these updates to remind us about what you are doing for the Lord, and what you & they need. Love you much. ???
Hi again Tanner Lee, I wanted to correct my comment. I put a heart and prayer emoji after “Love you much”…NOT question marks! Who knew how that would translate. I DO love you Much (no symbols).